Dr. D's Pediatric Blog

Making A Girl’s Dream Come True
On October 16, Rachel, a long time “Courager” got to go with her counselor to the Selena Gomez concert at Barclay Center courtesy of Sharing Seats, Mike Dube of Dubezone and Kids of Courage! As has been the mission of Kids of Courage from day one, we try and make...
The Electronic Predator – How to Protect Your Family From the Dangers of Social Media
By Stuart H. Ditchek, MD, FAAP The recent miraculous return of three young adults who were childhood kidnapping victims allows for a renewed awareness of the risks for children and parents in the world today. It is especially interesting that the victims who were...

Superhero Window Washers Cheer Up Children at Hospital
Nobody likes to be in the hospital. It's just not that much fun, especially if the stay is a lengthy one. Three window washers in Tennessee, took on the challenge of bringing smiles to every patient's face at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital in Memphis. According to...
Kids of Courage Helps Communities Post-Hurricane Sandy
The Kids of Courage Medical and Volunteer Team spent Sunday, November 4 in the Brooklyn community of Sea Gate taking care of the medical needs of this devastated community. Volunteers from K.O.C. have been on the scene for days trying to help the community and the...
Kids of Courage Hurricane Emergency Plan
Dear KOC Friend and Courager: In light of the pending Hurricane Sandy, we just want you to take all appropriate steps. If you live anywhere in the storms path, please take all actions listed below. The current path is anticipated to make land in the New Jersey...
The Dangers of Melatonin in Children: A Problem of Overuse by Parents
The Dangers of Melatonin in Children: A Problem of Overuse by Parents By Stuart H. Ditchek,MD,FAAP Throughout all of my years as a pediatrician, I have never witnessed the extensive abuse and overuse of any drug or therapy as widespread as what is happening with...

Dr. Stuart Ditchek
“Dr. D.,” as he is affectionately called by his patients, acts as medical director of Kids of Courage after being the medical director of a sleep away camp for children with serious, chronic and life-threatening illnesses for eight years. He is a board-certified pediatrician with over twenty years experience, an attending physician and faculty member of the New York University school of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, and a recognized expert in the care of high risk children and young adults.