Dear KOC Friend and Courager:
In light of the pending Hurricane Sandy, we just want you to take all appropriate steps.

If you live anywhere in the storms path, please take all actions listed below. The current path is anticipated to make land in the New Jersey shore points, however, the areas north of the storm are actually expected to get the greatest storm surge and wind damage. This includes the NYC area and the adjoining boroughs and suburbs.
1) Make sure that you have all needed medications and supplies on hand and enough to last you through the week.
2) If you have a child with a specific equipment requirement, please have a plan of where you will go if the power goes out. Hospitals in the NY/NJ area are prepared to assist all patients with these needs. If you need urgent electric source for the equipment such as for a concentrator or suction machine, go immediately to a safe location once the authorities advise you that it is safe to travel.
3) DO NOT attempt to travel anywhere during the peak of the storm which will be Monday afternoon through Tuesday morning as the trees and other projectiles are likely to be a hazard. If you need urgent care call your local emergency response (911 or Hatzolah). They will escort you to a local hospital for care and attention.
4) Charge your cell phone completely and designate one phone in the home strictly for an emergency use. Pre-program in the local emergency numbers, as well as Dr. Ditchek and Howie Kafka’s numbers.
5) If you have a question or a need for a medication or equipment assistance, call the KOC contact number (1-888-9-KIDSOC). If you get no response quickly, just call Dr D. or Howie on their cell phone and they can direct you on how to resolve the issue. All Courager families and staff have those numbers and should feel free to call with any urgent matters. We are available to all KOC Couragers as always and can always call on our amazing volunteers to assist. This should only be coordinated by Dr. D or Howie, so as not to put any staff member in any danger.
6) If you are a staff member and are called by a parent/camper during the storm, please DO NOT attempt to leave your safe haven during the storm. Call Dr. Ditchek or Howie to help decide on how to safely proceed to assist.
Stay safe and make smart decisions as is the KOC way!